As a professional, get to know Oolaboo skin care

We have put together our skin care bestsellers especially for your salon. Try our products at a special introductory price.

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Morning dew hydra-active prebiotic box consisting of:

Morning dew prebiotic face cream , thanks to a natural prebiotic (preBIULIN AGA), the cream leaves the good bacteria, which are important for healthy skin, intact.

Morning dew prebiotic serum , a serum with hyaluronic acid and natural moisturizers, provides a hydrating effect and reduces lines.

Morning dew eye opening emulsion , a moisturizing emulsion specially developed for the sensitive eye area with dry lines.

Special introductory price: €75.00 instead of €101.60

Maak kennis met SMART aesthetics

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  • Speciale introductieprijs € 70,00 i.p.v. € 94,35
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